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Ajinkya Satish Dharane
Dec 16, 20215 min read
Dear Baba...
Where do I start? What would be the perfect word, the perfect sentence, that phrase which fits, to start writing this letter? I can’t...

Ajinkya Satish Dharane
Jun 20, 20213 min read
Being A Father!
Present His hands were shaking from within but he kept them firm. He did not want her to slip, twist a small muscle, did she even have...

Ajinkya Satish Dharane
Mar 10, 20218 min read
Democracy Who?
Most of us live every minute of our short life to survive. Between our careers, friends, family and amusing us with some form of entertainme

Ajinkya Satish Dharane
Oct 6, 20209 min read
"Trump" Card
Trump might be experiencing mild symptoms, but his move to Walter Reed come across as theatrics

Ajinkya Satish Dharane
Sep 5, 20205 min read
An Old Strategy
One more day, one more shooting, few more protests, few more arguments in media – today, that is just a regular American day.

Ajinkya Satish Dharane
Jul 25, 20205 min read
Deaf, Dumb and Blind Intelligence
The question has to be raised- Why us humans, the most intelligent species on the planet, chose to ignore the most obvious facts around us?

Jun 25, 20208 min read
A Conversation With Fear
Very often we fear things we do not understand. This story is my take and recent experience with fear

May 28, 20204 min read
Cost of Convenience, Can We Gauge it Properly?
The convenience is part of our lifestyle from the times we started community living. We do not need a primitive lifestyle.

May 18, 20204 min read
Prepare for the new “Normal”?
The world of the future looks considerably distinct from the World we closed two months back. So what can we expect?

Ajinkya Satish Dharane
May 1, 20203 min read
Keeping It Sane!
It's easy to loose mind during this difficult time. The pandemic has gotten to all of us, but can we take this as an opportunity?

Apr 28, 20204 min read
Everyone’s Failure!
With the number of cases touching three million globally, the sentiment to blame China is understandable.

Ajinkya Satish Dharane
Apr 23, 20201 min read
We are just beginning !
Some poetry I have written with my wife in my heart !

Apr 23, 20204 min read
Consumer to Commodity to Consumer
It is amazing how we are being sold to ourselves. How tech giants Facebook, Google, Amazon are using our data and retargeting it churn money

Apr 20, 20203 min read
Politicizing Global Tragedy
As the world fights against the same enemy, the leadership of this “super” country is fighting amongst themselves. This fight has had a ripp

Apr 19, 20203 min read
Deserved Inequality?
I think, the power of opinion amongst us, humans, is the most dangerous one.

Apr 16, 20202 min read
First Thoughts of the Day / 17 April 2020
My brain knew it had used social stereotypes to win a small battle today, but it was losing this never-ending war

Ajinkya Satish Dharane
Apr 15, 20203 min read
First Thoughts of the Day / 15 April 2020
Fun conversation between my brain and my heart !
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